What You Need to Know About Prenuptial Agreements

If you’re about to get married, you may have heard that you should get a prenuptial agreement. But what exactly is a prenuptial agreement, and do you really need one? In this blog post, we’ll answer all your questions about prenuptial agreements so that you can make the best decision for your future.
What is a Prenuptial Agreement? Our website provides info on prenuptial agreement lawyer near me
A prenuptial agreement, also called a prenup, is a legal contract between two people who are about to be married. The contract stipulates what will happen to the couple’s assets in the event of a divorce or death. A prenup can protect each spouse’s individual property and can even determine how much spousal support will be paid in the event of a divorce.
Do I Need a Prenuptial Agreement?
Whether or not you need a prenup is a personal decision. Some couples feel that a prenup creates an unnecessary level of distrust between them, while others see it as a way to protect themselves financially in case their marriage doesn’t work out. If you have significant assets or debts, or if you want to keep your property separate from your spouse’s property, then you may want to consider getting a prenup.
How Do I Get a Prenuptial Agreement?
If you decide that you want a prenup, the first step is to find a good lawyer who specializes in family law. Once you’ve found an attorney you trust, he or she will draft the agreement and both you and your fiancé will need to sign it before your wedding day. Keep in mind that prenuptial agreements are only enforceable if they are fair to both parties and if both parties have willingly signed the contract without coercion.
Prenuptial agreements are becoming more common as people wait longer to get married and enter into wedlock with more assets than their parents did. If you’re considering whether or not to get a prenup, sit down with a lawyer and discuss your options. With all the important decisions you have to make leading up to your wedding day, at least this one will be easy!
