The Importance Of Fibroid Removal

Fibroid removal can be performed with minimally invasive techniques or through open surgery. Traditional open surgery involves making a large incision in the abdomen, usually through the uterus’ wall. I strongly suggest you to visit uterine fibroid embolization houston to learn more about this. The surgeon then uses handheld tools to cut out the fibroids. This surgery may be performed in an office setting or in a hospital.

Another surgical option is myomectomy, a surgical procedure that removes the entire uterus. It is the most effective method for removing fibroids and can help preserve fertility. Myomectomies can be performed laparoscopically, robotically, or hysteroscopically. While most myomectomies are performed through an abdominal incision, less invasive methods are becoming more commonly available to women.

A surgical procedure called hysteroscopic fibroid removal is another option for fibroid removal. This procedure uses a specialized hysteroscope to see inside the womb and can remove fibroids from the uterine wall. It is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will remove the fibroids and stitch the uterus back together.

Another surgical option is robotic myomectomy, in which a tiny camera is placed at the surgical site. During the procedure, the surgeon will use tiny wristed instruments to make incisions in the fibroids. The surgeon can see the internal anatomy of the fibroid and control the instrument’s movements using a da Vinci system. The robotic system will translate the surgeon’s hand movements and bend the instruments with precision. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia and the patient will need a recovery period of about two weeks.

Most patients are able to go home the same day after the procedure, although some patients may require overnight recovery. After laparoscopic myomectomy, patients will be advised not to exercise or engage in sexual activities until their doctor gives the okay. A full recovery may take four to six weeks. However, there may be some minor discomfort after the procedure.

In addition to surgery, women can undergo various non-surgical treatments. A common medication is intrauterine device (IUD), which releases progesterone and inhibits the growth of fibroids. The device will also reduce the amount of blood that is lost during the menstrual cycle. Patients are also given synthetic testosterone, which prevents the production of estrogen. This will help them to avoid the menstrual cycle and reduce the pain caused by fibroids.

Surgical treatment for fibroids can be performed by freezing, heating, or radiofrequency energy. However, it is important to note that this method will leave scars in the uterus and may affect fertility. It is important to talk with your doctor about these risks before undergoing this type of surgery. If you wish to become pregnant, consider contraception before this procedure.

Surgery for fibroid removal should be the last resort. However, if you have been struggling with symptoms for several months or even years, a surgery to remove the fibroids might be the best choice for you. Depending on the severity of your symptoms, the procedure can be performed with minimally invasive techniques, allowing the fibroids to shrink and eventually die off. This surgery may not be completely painless, but it is effective in relieving your symptoms.

Contact Info

Access Vascular Health: Michelle Maneevese, MD
5151 Katy Freeway Suite 170 Houston, TX 77007
Phone No. : 832-981-5781