QC Kinetix : The Real Benefits

There are many different ways to treat joint pain, and one of the most common is taking over-the-counter NSAIDs. These medications help reduce inflammation and relieve joint pain in a short time. However, they can also cause stomach upset and heart problems. If over-the-counter medications are not working, your doctor may suggest a surgery or other treatment option. You can learn more at Asheville regenerative medicine

Injections are another popular way to treat joint pain. Steroid injections are usually prescribed to treat conditions like arthritis because they can mask damage and reduce inflammation. However, they can also cause side effects, including infection and discoloration of the skin. As such, they should only be used for short-term relief. Although they may be the best option for severe cases of joint pain, people with milder symptoms should look into non-drug alternatives first.
If you are suffering from joint pain, it is best to look for a clinic that uses a multidisciplinary approach to treat it. Often, the doctor will perform a physical exam to evaluate the severity of the condition. From there, he or she will recommend a combination of different treatments, such as medicine and exercises, to advanced techniques like spinal cord stimulation and intrathecal pain pumps. This holistic approach will increase your chances of quick recovery and pain management.
Some other treatment options for joint pain include NSAIDs and botulinum toxin, which numbs nerve endings near the skin. Botulinum toxin may be an excellent option for people who don’t want to undergo surgery. Alternatively, patients may seek relief with platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a treatment that contains natural healing elements. While this method has received some attention in recent years, it is best for mild cases of joint pain and is not a cure for chronic pain.
A doctor may order x-rays to assess the condition of the joint. These can reveal bone spurs or fluid in the joint. Sometimes, a doctor may also recommend a blood test to confirm the diagnosis. In some cases, a joint pain treatment plan will consist of a combination of physical therapy and massage.
Non-surgical treatments for joint pain may involve taking a topical pain reliever or ice pack. These can temporarily relieve the joint pain and help a person remain active. In some cases, however, surgery is necessary to relieve the pain. The key to treating joint pain is finding the right way to treat it and manage the side effects.
Finding a top joint pain clinic is an important step in the treatment process. The best clinics will examine the patient, identify possible bone spurs, and perform x-rays to rule out other conditions. Once these tests are complete, a joint pain treatment plan will be developed to help the patient regain full mobility while minimizing pain.

Contact Info :

QC Kinetix (Asheville)
1863 Hendersonville Rd #133
Asheville, NC 28803
(828) 333-9517